Welcome! This site is a directory of trading schools that provide education in speculative techniques for trading various markets. The markets in focus are listed after each school and consist primarily in equities, futures, forex, options (for all three markets) and exotic options i.e. binary options.
Disclaimer: this
directory neither recommends these schools nor makes any statement as to the quality
of the schools listed. This site is simply a compilation resource, and the
reader is responsible for evaluating any school that might be if interest. The
reader must understand that equities, futures, forex, and options trading carries a great
amount of risk and is not suitable for every investor. Investors can lose more than the value of his/her account. Also,
past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Trading schools and links to their site are provided in
alphabetical order. The markets in focus are listed for each trading school
link. Updates will be made weekly and new school listings will be stated at the
top of the page.